In game recently(21): "Phaserlight", "raybondo", "TaoClown", "Vyx", "12netjuan", "Ganza*", "Cincinnatus", "Attu", "Shooter-0", "ScotiaKnight", "Galactica Actual", "BanhammerUA", "PapoRocker", "GonzoTheGoofy", "Azryayix gyarz", "Naut", "Sim Record", "Cylon1", "Max LOVE", "ARASHh", "Seer's Chronicles",

16:53 [100] <Cylon1> marauders any good?
16:53 [100] <Cylon1> or hit box too big?
16:53 [100] <Galactica Actual> loves the maurader
16:53 [100] <Cylon1> born 79
16:53 [100] <Galactica Actual> graduated HS then
16:53 [100] <Cylon1> haha yes
16:53 [100] <Cylon1> and navy and army
16:54 [100] <Galactica Actual> you were in both?
16:54 [100] <Cylon1> yep
16:54 [100] <Galactica Actual> salutes Cylon1 o7
16:55 [100] <Cylon1> minimum time in both
16:55 [100] <Cylon1> did 1 xtra in army to get cash bounty
16:55 [100] <Galactica Actual> I was in my hippy surfer phase when I should have inlisted
16:55 [100] <Cylon1> i surfed
16:55 [100] <Galactica Actual> I lived on Maui for 10 years
16:55 [100] <Cylon1> till 4 years ago
16:55 [100] <Cylon1> two kids now.......
16:56 [100] <Galactica Actual> gets it
16:56 [100] <Cylon1> AMazing
16:56 [100] <Cylon1> i was body boarder so notcas cool
16:56 [100] <Cylon1> not as
16:56 [100] <Galactica Actual> I had a Brice Jones mini-tanker. 8'6" double stringer with 3 fins - more betta
16:56 [100] <Galactica Actual> *bruce
16:56 [100] <Cylon1> lived in newquay in cornwall if u know it?
16:57 [100] <Galactica Actual> sadly no, I do not
16:57 [100] <Cylon1> surfed in italy and china too
16:57 [100] <Cylon1> charlie does surf now
16:57 [100] <Cylon1> lol
16:58 [100] <Cylon1> right on a timed mission cant type
16:58 [100] <Galactica Actual> England, I looked it up. My best friend on Maui is English
16:58 [100] <Galactica Actual> charlie/surf another good movie
16:58 [100] <Cylon1> yup
16:59 [100] <Cylon1> true story
17:00 [100] <Galactica Actual> my goli is named after a ship in "the Expanse" it is the Rocinante
17:00 [100] <Galactica Actual> another good story
17:04 [100] <Cylon1> right night
17:04 [100] <Cylon1> or good day
17:04 [100] <Galactica Actual> I sent you a friend request, your ok, (for a cylon)
17:25 [100] GreyShop is in Edras G-11. I have e.g: gauss3 15k, uc 10k, ihdpc 400k, anni 12.5k, aapb 10k, cupb 500k, ... Usage: /msg "GreyShop" help
18:25 [100] GreyShop is in Edras G-11. I have e.g: gauss3 15k, uc 10k, ihdpc 400k, anni 12.5k, aapb 10k, cupb 500k, ... Usage: /msg "GreyShop" help
18:47 [100] <Cincinnatus> Ahoy 'verse! Everything shiny?
19:00 [100] <raybondo> Hello everyone. We will be doing a quick server restart shortly.
19:00 [100] <raybondo> Is a 10 minute countdown enough time or does anyone need more time?
19:00 [100] <Cincinnatus> ray!
19:01 [100] <Cincinnatus> yeah. that's fine. havent seen anybody else on, but you'd know better than me
19:01 [100] <Cincinnatus> 1810 CST then?
19:02 [100] <raybondo> 18:12
19:02 [100] <Cincinnatus> *thumbs*
19:07 [100] <Cincinnatus> im out!
19:07 [100] <raybondo> See you later
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