In game recently(37): "Harpo", "FusionBurn", "hob ablong red", "Infinitis", "Infinitis", "FusionBurn", "Nahin Lor", "Deatomizer", "xXxDSMer", "VeXeD", "crozz still", "Enzan", "ScotiaKnight", "Teni", "Maveriksouls", "Factor Fett", "Loser007", "Karakus", "IToken", "a75", "Evil The Cat", "Taqueria Of The Eternal Grind", "Taqueria Requiem Of Ores Lost", "draugath[2]", "Ren Aar", "Sarief", "Ardello-Ra Halios", "Lacktist", "desecration on false concedence", "Otetis Otta", "Shimeon", "Cradlox", "Essamir Ottol", "Tyr Morga", "Minen Pretandia", "diegol07", "Winter01",
08:54 [100] <ScotiaKnight> with all the same.. no delay.. all hapen at once..
08:54 [100] <ScotiaKnight> not good
08:56 [100] <Lacktist> that my last configuration, i try 0.01, 0.03. 0.05 and ended stuck
08:56 [100] <ScotiaKnight> the delays are far too low, so likely
08:57 [100] <Lacktist> trying to find other timming rn
08:57 [100] <ScotiaKnight> theres no way that works
08:57 [100] <ScotiaKnight> cos you cant enter every turret simultaniously
08:58 [100] Loser007 need more coffee
08:58 [100] <Loser007> brb
08:58 [100] <ScotiaKnight> raise timing up to tenths of a second, not hundredths
08:58 [100] <ScotiaKnight> 0.x not 0.0x
08:59 [100] <Lacktist> yep done, thankyou
08:59 [100] <Lacktist> its better now, no lag
08:59 [100] <ScotiaKnight> hehe i bet
09:00 [100] <Lacktist> i was use that config since i lost old config hehe, just sometime a bit lag when my latency was normal hahha
09:01 [100] <Lacktist> that config work better when my latency was high lol
09:01 [100] <ScotiaKnight> mine are very high, by comparison
09:01 [100] <ScotiaKnight> i use at least 1 second to do them
09:01 [100] <ScotiaKnight> 0.01, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, wait 1 activate
09:02 [100] <Lacktist> uh, that too high for my latency
09:02 [100] <Lacktist> 1 sec can give me instant death
09:03 [100] <Lacktist> my last command to reset my button so i dont get stuck with turret button
09:04 [100] <ScotiaKnight> cool
09:04 [100] <ScotiaKnight> just make sure all numbers are different ;)
09:04 [100] <ScotiaKnight> each higher than the one before it
09:04 [100] <Lacktist> copy that
09:05 [100] <Lacktist> that why i got lag sometime XD
09:06 [100] <Ardello-Ra Halios> m/ission list
09:07 [100] <Lacktist> GG to whoever mine 47% pentric until 113.4K
09:10 [100] <ScotiaKnight> and yes, the timing is counter intuitive
09:10 [100] <ScotiaKnight> also breaks if no delay when initializing
09:10 [100] <ScotiaKnight> so weird
09:10 [100] <ScotiaKnight> thats why first number is 0.01
09:10 [100] <ScotiaKnight> we dont wait a delay, but if none it fails
09:11 [100] <Lacktist> hmm maybe bcs device?
09:11 [100] <ScotiaKnight> nope, how the programming is implimented
09:12 [100] <ScotiaKnight> i know that alias because i originally created it for pandoram and its been slightly transformed and passed since
09:12 [100] <ScotiaKnight> :D
09:12 [100] <Lacktist> really?
09:12 [100] <ScotiaKnight> ya
09:13 [100] <Loser007> i miss Pando :( good trader
09:15 [100] <ScotiaKnight> acutal lua version is better, but, delay alias is easy to share
09:19 [100] GreyShop is in Edras G-11. I have e.g: gauss3 15k, uc 10k, ihdpc 400k, anni 12.5k, aapb 10k, cupb 500k, ... Usage: /msg "GreyShop" help
09:21 [100] <ScotiaKnight> ive got some really cool scripts, but what i really need is a better programmer to take my ideas to the next level
09:22 [100] <Loser007> did you find some?
09:22 [100] <ScotiaKnight> they are advanced and fully functional, but someone with a better true understanding of lua and the client could make them even better
09:22 [100] <ScotiaKnight> like my new navigation code
09:23 [100] <ScotiaKnight> lots of players would like to use it...
09:24 [100] <ScotiaKnight> i created a hard coded list of the avoid sectors, then it builds a graph and uses bredth first search algo to set a course around the roid sectors..
09:24 [100] <ScotiaKnight> plots for you