targetless - Version 1.7.13

* android support, swipe list up/down change targets, swipe left/right to change lists, tap to pin/unpin
* target next/prev no longer jumps around after pin/unpin
* ore info will no longer get stuck/duplicated after appendiups is called successive times
* fix api.radarlock when pinned targets in radar range AND roid list exceeds max-list-size
* other minor bugs patched
* unroid patch (fix for re-selecting already scanned roids)
* addroid patch (no longer require duplicate internal scans to add a roid)
* fix a minor memory leak (related to above ore-stuck bug)

Plugin: targetless
Version: 1.7.13 / 1.7.20
Release Date: September 30th, 2011
Vendetta Online
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