
-- =====
-- Plod.
-- =====
-- Author: INKling
-- Plod can be used to plot courses between two sectors. It will also buy and
-- unload cargo between two stations, if you provide it after the second sector
-- definition. For trading it will do everything but the flying.
-- The trade item is case sensitive.
-- Plod also has a mission mode. When active, it will listen for mission
-- updates and try to find an destination sector and an item to trade. This has
-- been tested mainly against hive skirmish and trading guild missions, though
-- it should work with any mission I haven't thought of.
-- Usage.
-- ------
-- /plod [from sector] [to sector] [optional trade item]
-- /plod mission
-- Turns on mission mode.
-- /plod off
-- Turns plod off.
-- Examples:
-- ---------
-- /plod sol e15 geira i5 XiRite Alloy
-- /plod . geira o4 Basic Targeting Systems
-- /plod a12 j6
Version Release Date Download My Plugins
0.7 2016 - Feb 28 Download Use this version
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