FCP - Version 1.04

-- FCP by Harpo
-- version: 1.04 2014/11/30 - added Internal Bulkhead Assembly: /iba
-- version: 1.03 2014/11/28 - added Merged Cybernetics Array: /mca
-- version: 1.02 2014/09/09 - added Firecracker turret: /fc or /firecracker
-- version: 1.01 2014/06/21 - added Reinforced Bulkhead: /rb or /rib
-- version: 1.0 2014/06/15
-- How many FCP can be build with current inventory in i8? What items am I short on?
-- How many FFSA can be build with current inventory in c12? What items am I short on?
-- How many RB can be build with current inventory in f6? What items am I short on?
-- Dependancies: none

-- usage:
-- /fcp or /ffsa or /ffssa or /rb or /rib or fc or /firecracker or /mca or /iba
-- To see more detail after typing one of the above, toggle the console by typing ' and look at the bottom

Plugin: FCP
Version: 1.04 / 1.14
Release Date: November 30th, 2014
Download: fcp-1.04.zip
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